Sunday, December 2, 2012


Some thoughts from my heart today!

My niece and her husband and daughter were here for Thanksgiving.  Their little girl weighed less than two pounds when she was born, but now she’s a healthy, happy, precious eight year old.  My niece once said, “My daughter may never be homecoming queen or valedictorian, but she’s better than I deserve.”  For some reason, that touched my heart.  Shouldn’t all parents feel that way about their child?  They don’t have to be the brightest, fastest, or best-looking – they are an amazing gift just the way they are!

Christmas cannot be seen or heard, but must be felt in the heart.
       -Helen Keller

Friday night my husband and I were blessed to hear the Charleston Gospel Chorus perform their Christmas concert.   I wish you had all been there with me, because that is the spirit and joy of what the season is all about!

When we got home we turned on the television, and what should appear but the Norcoss, Georgia, High School football game.  In Charleston, South Carolina?  My best friend from high school has a son who is a football coach at Norcross High School.  I called her Saturday morning and she was stunned that I made the connection.  Why on earth would we turn on the television to that channel?  Must have been one of those angel feathers that are falling this time of year!  

So whenever something special happens over the next month, you just smile to yourself because you will know that it's not magic or luck - it's an angel feather!