Wednesday, February 5, 2014


This was my second visit to Cooper Elementary in Derby, KS, and that school has got it figured out! Clear expectations, practice, modeling, consistency, positive every time! When they have an assembly the children sit in vertical rows with their class from kindergarten through the upper grades. Because they know exactly
where to sit and what is expected of them, the discipline problems disappear. Everybody SINGS because the principal is a good model and the teachers are all enthusiastic. The little kids see the big kids (Don't tell me that 4th and 5th graders don't like to sing!) dancing and having fun so they realize it's the "cool" thing to do.

Wash, Wash, Wash Your Germs (Kate Brown)
Sing this song to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" when children use wipes or wash hands.
Wash, wash, wash your germs.
Wash your germs away.
So that you do not get sick
and you can play all day!

Birthday Book (K Teachers at Anderson El.)
Cut the front and back of a gift bag. Give each child a sheet of paper that says, "If I could go to the store and buy you a birthday present I would buy __________." Staple their pictures in the gift bag cover.

Body Writing (Paige Savage)
Use your body to practice writing letters. Your head is the top line. Your belly button is your middle line. Your toes are the bottom line. Start at your head for tall letters and the belly button for short letters.
For example:
Capital T - Start at your head and straight down. Pick up your pencil and add his hat.
Lowercase t - Start at the head and straight down. Pick up your pencil and add his belt.

First Day Bracelet (Angel Sinclair)
Tear a strip off an envelope and write each child's name on it. They can use it as a bracelet the first week so the special teachers know their name.

Classroom Password (Michelle Ramaeker)
Write a letter, sight word, number, etc. on the classroom window. Students have to tell the door helper the password to enter the room

Tattling Tip (Robin Osborne)
When children tattle ask them if they are trying to keep someone safe or get someone in trouble.

Kindness Book
Make a "Kindness Book" from a pocket folder, spiral notebook, or composition book. Children get to sign their name in the book if they are caught being kind.

U for Underwear (Sandra Goodchild) Seal an envelope and cut in half. Cut as shown and insert your fingers. U is for underwear.