Thursday, February 6, 2014


Children LOVE to perform! When you act out stories you are developing social skills, oral language, recall, and so many other standards. Select children to play the different characters in this story. You will need: grandpa, grandma, granddaughter, dog, cat, mouse. Have them act the story out as you read it. The remainder of the class can join in on the chorus.

Once there was a grandpa who planted a wonderful vegetable garden. He grew corn, beans, peas, tomatoes, carrots, and many, many vegetables. But his prize plant was his turnips. He grew the biggest turnips in the whole county!
One fine summer morning he decided to pull up one of those turnips for dinner. So he looked around until he found a great, big, enormous turnips. He grabbed on to the stem and…

He pulled and pulled left. (Pretend to pull left.)
He pulled and pulled right. (Pretend to pull right.)
He pulled and pulled (Pull from the front.)
With strength and might,
But he couldn’t pull up the turnip. (Hold up palms and shake head.)
*So grandpa went and got grandma. Grandpa pulled the turnip, grandma pulled grandpa and….CHORUS (Adapt to “They pulled…”)

*So grandma went and got the granddaughter. Grandpa pulled the turnip, grandma pulled grandpa, the granddaughter pulled grandma and…CHORUS.

*So the granddaughter went and got the dog. Grandpa pulled the turnip, grandma pulled grandpa, the granddaughter pulled grandma, the dog pulled the granddaughter and…CHORUS.

*So the dog went and got the cat. Grandpa pulled the turnip, grandma pulled grandpa, the granddaughter pulled grandma, the dog pulled the granddaughter, the cat pulled the dog and…CHORUS.

Just then a little mouse happened to walk by. “What ya’ doin’?” asked the mouse. “We’re trying to pull up this great, big, enormous turnip,” they all said. “Can I help you?” asked the mouse. “Oh, you’re too small,” they all replied. “Well, let me try. I think I can help you do it,” said the mouse.

*So grandpa pulled the turnip, grandma pulled grandpa, the granddaughter pulled grandma, the dog pulled the granddaughter, the cat pulled the dog, the mouse pulled the cat and…
They pulled and pulled left.
They pulled and pulled right.
They pulled and pulled
With strength and might,
And POP!
Up came the turnip.

And the little mouse said, “I told you so!”

Hint! Act out the same story many times so every child can have a role. Repetition is a powerful thing!

*Read different versions of this story and compare and contrast.