Thursday, May 7, 2020


Last week Laura Buonadonna made a comment on FB about an “art show” that she did with her students on Zoom. I asked her to tell me more because it was such a clever idea. Well, I felt like I’d won the lottery with all the activities she shared.

I know in the past many of you had parties and celebrated the end of school with special memories. Don’t let COVID19 spoil your fun!!! Take a look at Laura’s activities and games because they will spark your creativity and enthusiasm! There are so many great ideas here, and I know you can’t do all of them. However, I bet you’ll find three or four that will give YOU and your kids something to celebrate this month.

P.S. I loved what Laura said about PARENT BUY IN!

I teach prek4 at Downe Township Elementary in NJ. I have 18 kiddos who have been loving our Zoom meeting. The key has been the parent buy in.

The students all brought their masterpieces! They got to describe their picture and talk about what materials they used.

This is an active game we can play on Zoom. I might say, “ I Spy with my little eye something that is blue.” The kids run and find something in their home and bring it back to show.
Note! If they don’t have an object to represent that you could let them tell you what letter blue starts with.


Kids love to “show and tell” on Zoom. I told them that they could share the biggest item they could find because it didn't have to fit in their book bag!

If your kiddos have any birthdays during quarantine or over the summer you can still celebrate them. You know what those kids love so I would try to plan a theme. We always ask all the kids to make a picture for the birthday friend. The kids describe their picture and say what they love most about that friend. I would also make a list of my 5 reasons we love that student. We did a Frozen theme on Zoom at night where we all wore Frozen PJ’s or clothes and they watched me demonstrate how to make Frozen Shaving Cream bath cupcakes. I also read a Frozen bedtime story.

I used this in one of our Birthday Zooms, but also snuck in some Math. I told them ahead of time that they would need a chair and a dry erase board or paper to write on. We played Trolls theme music as they ran around their chairs. When the music stopped I held up a number and they attempted to write it or make tally marks.

The kids dressed up like their favorite superhero. I muted them and put on some soft music. I showed them Yoga cards and then I demonstrated the moves for them to copy.


Our parents pick up meals once a week so I am making gift bags for them to pick up this week. On the bag I’m including our Zoom code and a poem asking them not to open it until our Zoom meeting. Inside the bag I am putting a fancy cup, tea bag, Danish, candy bracelet, bubbles, and a tea towel. (I purchased everything at the dollar store.) I painted part of a sunflower on the tea towel and I included a small cup of paint. I’m asking the kids to dress up and bring their favorite snack to the Zoom party. The moms will be able to have a snack with their child, and then each child will tell us their favorite thing about their mom. We are going to finish by having the children put their thumb print on the tea towel, and then I’ll read a Mother’s Day book.

All I can say to Laura is KISS YOUR BRAIN and KISS YOUR HEART!

Here are a few other topics I've used in the past that you can adapt for your Zoom Party Room!

Sports Day
Children can wear t-shirts and hats from their favorite teams. Let tell why they like that team.

Virtual Field Trip
You can't take your kids on the bus, but you can take them on lots of exciting virtual field trips.  Just look online and decide where you want to go.

P.S.  Ask them to bring a snack in case they get hungry!

Book Party
Ask the children to bring their favorite book and share why they like it. They could also dress up like their favorite character.

Talent Show
Invite the children to think of a “talent” (song, dance, story, gymnastic stunt) they can do. Talk about the importance of being a “good audience” and clap and cheer for friends when they perform.

Pajama Party
Have children wear pajamas and show their favorite stuffed animal to their friends.

*I saw FB where a teacher asked them to bring their favorite blanket and stuffed animal.  How comforting!

Pet Parade
Children show their pet or a favorite stuffed animal.

Beach Party
Children could wear sunglasses, shorts, and bathing suits, etc. Talk about the fun things they are going to in the summer.

Hat Day
Ask children to wear their favorite hat or challenge them to design a hat from a paper plate and art scraps.

Snack Day
Children bring their favorite snack and enjoy it as the teacher reads a book.

Joke Day
Ask children to all come up with a joke they can tell to their classmates.

Sock Hop
Children wear a pair of silly socks and dance to favorite songs from movies. Play “freeze” where they have to FREEZE when you stop the music.