Saturday, June 19, 2021


Phonics is so much more fun with a song and a dance!

All right! Everybody up so we can lettercise.
We’re going to say each letter, then punch the sound like a boxer. In between we’ll get in shape
by jogging, jumping, and exercising our bodies and brains.

A /a/, B /b/, C /c/, D/d/, E/e/, F/f/, G/g/

Now run in place.

H/h/, I/i/, J/j/, K/k/, L/l/, M/m/, N/n/

Let’s pretend to jump rope.

O/o/, P/p/, Q/q/, R/r/, S/s/, T/t, U/u/

Time for jumping jacks.

V/v/, W/w/, X/x/, Y/y/, Z/z/

Super job! Now wave your arms in the air and dance around like the winner you are!

Rapper Necklace
Cut letters out of heavy cardboard. Let children decorate them with fake jewels, glitter, or stickers. Punch holes in the letters and tie on string. Children can wear these as you sing this song.

Seven Little Letters
(Choose 7 children to wear letter vests.)
Seven little letters went out one day, (Children hold hands in a circle.)
Over the hill and far away.
When the teacher called /f/f/f/f/
Only the letter f came back.
(Child wearing “f” skips to the teacher.)

Continue with /t/, /f/, /g/, /d/, /s/, /p/…

*Adapt for vowels and other consonant sounds.

Letter Vests
Make copies of highway letters using the link below.  Punch holes at the top and tie on string so     the children can wear these in the song.