Sunday, June 20, 2021


This is a fun version of a traditional song that children can do sitting or standing.

Couch Potato Pokey
You put your thumbs in. (thumbs out in front)
You take your thumbs out. (thumbs behind)
You put your thumbs in, (thumbs in front)
And you wiggle them all about. (wiggle thumbs)
You do the couch potato pokey, (wave arms in air)
And you roll your arms around. (roll hands over)
That’s what it’s all about! (slap, clap, snap)

You put your noses in…

You put your elbows in…

You put your eyebrows in…

You put your chins in…

You put your pinkies in…
Give a microwave with your pinkies
And say good-bye today,
Cause that’s all we’re going to play!

The More We Get Together (Traditional Tune - Sing in sign language.)
The more we get together, together, together.
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
For your friends are my friends,
and my friends are your friends.
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

The more we learn together…

The more we play together…

The more we sing together…

Here's a video where you can watch me sing these songs:


Good-Bye Chant
Put your thumbs up if you learned something new today. (Put thumbs up.)
Clap your hands if you had fun today. (Clap hands.)
Give yourself a hug if you were a kind friend today. (Hug self.)
See you tomorrow for another special day. (Wave and smile.)

Pat on the Back
Cut hand shapes out of construction paper. Write a positive comment about each child on a hand. Tape the hand to their back before they leave at the end of the day.

Partner Share
Children turn to a friend and tell their favorite thing they did at school that day.