Thursday, October 19, 2023


How about some silly songs today?  These songs can release wiggles and put a smile on your face.

Mother Goony Bird
Mother Goony Bird had 7 chicks. (Hold up 7 fingers.)
And 7 chicks had Mother Goony Bird.
And they couldn’t swim – NO! (Extend left hand and shake head.)
And they couldn’t fly – NO! (Extend right hand and shake head.)
All they did was go like this – right arm. (Flap right arm.)

Add left arm…right foot…left foot… (Add other movements.)
Nod your head…turn around, sit down!

Activities: Choose children to be the chicks and Mother Goony bird and act out the song.

Wiggle Willy
I know a little boy. (Dance from side to side to the beat.)
His name is Wiggle Willy.
He is so very nice, but oh, he is so wiggly!
And so go his fingers and his fingers go like so
And his fingers are always soooooo… (Wiggle fingers.)
And so go his arms…(Wiggle arms and fingers.)
Legs…(Wiggle legs, arms, and fingers.)
Head…(Wiggle head, legs, arms, and fingers.)
Tongue…(Move tongue back and forth along with the other body parts.)
Wiggle Willy!

Activities: Why is Willy so wiggly? What makes you wiggly? What can you do about it?

Have the children brainstorm how they can get rid of wiggles on the bus, in the car, sitting in their seat at school, etc.

Let children draw their interpretations of Wiggle Willy.

Laura Pearson 

Image via Pexels


11 Resources for Raising Safe, Healthy, and Happy Kids 


Raising children is a remarkable journey filled with excitement, growth, and endless learning opportunities for parents and kids alike. Navigating through the twists and turns of each age and stage can be daunting. But fear not. Courtesy of Dr. Jean and Friends, the resources below will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence you need to embrace every milestone — from those adorable baby coos to the ups and downs of adolescence.



No one needs to tell you about the importance of keeping your child safe throughout the years. Here are some resources to help you along the way:


      Child Safety and Injury Prevention from Better Health Channel

      Tips and Reviews from Safe Smart Family

      The CDC shares Info on Safety in the Home & Community for Parents With Teens



We all want healthy children. Here are some of the best health-related resources on the web:


      Child Health Issues and Tips: 1-5 Years

      10 Tips To Keep Kids Healthy This School Year

      Fitness and Your 13- to 18-Year-Old (for Parents)

      Pathways 4 Youth



These resources will go a long way in helping you create an environment for your child to enjoy a happy life — now and in the future!


      Boost Your Career with These Steps for a Bachelor's Degree in Business

      5 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child

      How To Let Go of Hyperparenting and Learn To Relax With Your Kids

      Create a Positive Home: How to Raise Happy Kids in a Positive Atmosphere


Thrilling, rewarding, enlightening — that’s what it’s like to raise children through every age and stage. You can navigate the complexities of parenthood with poise and assurance by staying informed, adaptable, and maintaining an open line of communication with your child. 


Each phase presents unique challenges and joys. The key is to cherish every moment and celebrate each accomplishment along the way. Here’s to creating a nurturing environment where your child can flourish and laying a foundation for a lifetime of success and happiness!


Dr. Jean and Friends has the children’s songs, music, and activities you’ve been looking for. Questions? Call (404) 386-9057.