Last Monday we danced, skated, played, and exercised our brains with paper plates. I’m not one to waste anything, so here are a few more ideas that teachers could do with their plates when they got home. Paper plates can be used for letters, numerals, shapes, words, math facts, or any skill that needs practice.
Hint! Draw a star at the top on the back of the plates. Tell children to put the star next to their chin and the letters will be in the right position. Musical Plates – Place the plates on the floor and play some dance music. Children dance around, but when the music stops they have to find a plate and pick it up. After they’ve identified the information they place it on the floor and the dance music begins again.
Word Worm – Decorate a plate to look like a worm or caterpillar. Pass out words (or letters or numerals) to the class. First child places her word next to the worm’s head and reads it. Second child places her word next and reads both words. The third child reads all three words. The game continues as the worm grows.
Hint! Allow children to ask the audience if they don’t know a word.
I Have – Who has? Write numbers (1-25) or letters on plates. The child with number one stands and says, “I have one, who has two?” The child with two stands and says, “I have two, who has three?” The game continues as children count in order.
*A similar game can be played with letters in alphabetical order.
Push, Pull, Click, Click – Susan Shomo shared this chant that's perfect for the plates.
Push (Push in the air.)
Pull (Pretend to pull.)
Click, click (Snap fingers.)
Read this (word, letter, numeral, etc.)
Really quick. (Show plate to children.)
And, now for some NEW ideas from New Jersey!
Name Change (Cathy Richards)
Children choose a letter from a bag or use the letter of the week. Change the child's name to that sound to sing good-bye to the tune of "Good Night, Ladies.)
For example: "T"
Good-bye Tonathan. (Jonathan)
Good-bye Tophia. (Sophia)
Good-bye Tyan. (Ryan)
Good-bye Tilly. (Lilly)
My Messy House (Lorraine Clark)
Cut shirts, pants, socks, and other clothing out of construction paper and write sight words on them. Put them in the middle of the floor in a pile and explain that mom's so busy she needs their help to clean up. One at a time children pick a word/piece of clothing and read it.
*You can even let them hang the clothes on a clothes line with clothespins.

Ivory Soap Experiment (MaryAnn Kressling)
Put a bar (unwrapped) of Ivory soap in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Observe. It will transform into a cloud.
*Great for writing or drawing observations.