Meet my new friend Penelope Play Dough! Several weeks ago someone commented that their administrator did not want to see play dough in their classroom. Well, that's all it took for me to get on my band wagon and explain all the social, emotional, cognitive, and physical benefits of play dough. I also created this packet for you with ideas for using play dough for literacy, math, name it. It's FREE and I did it just for YOU - and for any administrator that doesn't understand the value of playful "hands-on" learning!!!! drjeanPlayDoughPower
I'm going to demonstrate many of these activities when I do FACEBOOK LIVE AT FIVE this Monday on playing and learning with play dough. Hope you'll join me!
Here's a new song to sing as you demonstrate these different movements:
The Play Dough Song Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
(Children make the motions with the play dough as they sing.)
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze play dough (Children squeeze dough.)
Feels so good to me.
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze play dough
It’s easy peasy!

I'm going to demonstrate many of these activities when I do FACEBOOK LIVE AT FIVE this Monday on playing and learning with play dough. Hope you'll join me!
Here's a new song to sing as you demonstrate these different movements:
The Play Dough Song Tune: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
(Children make the motions with the play dough as they sing.)
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze play dough (Children squeeze dough.)
Feels so good to me.
Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze play dough
It’s easy peasy!

Pinch – Pinch off pieces of the dough.
Roll – Roll the dough into a snake.
Roll – Roll the dough into a snake.