What state do we live in?
*Let children take turns identifying your state on the map.
State Song (Jodie Slusher -Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”)
Virginia is our state.
Virginia is our state.
Richmond is our capitol.
Virginia is our state.
*Insert your state's name and capitol in the song.
More Mapping Ideas
More Mapping Ideas
*Ask children to point to the states as you discuss them.
What state were you born in? Ask your parents what state they were born in.
Follow your favorite team (football, baseball, basketball, etc.) Who are they playing this week? Walk your fingers from your state to where the game will be played.
What states are your neighbors?
What country is north of the USA? What country is South?
What does the blue color on the map represent?
Where are the Hawaiian Islands? Where is Alaska? Are they attached like the other states?
Point to the north, south, east, and west on the map.
Label the walls in your classroom with "north," "south," "east," and "west." Sing this song to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" as you point to the words. Face "north" as you begin.

The sun is rising in the east, uh-huh, uh-huh. (Point with right hand.)
The sun is setting in the west, uh-huh, uh-huh. (Point with left hand.)
My nose is north. (Point in front of you.)
My tail is south. (Point behind you.)
And so I turn myself around (Turn around.)
And the sun keeps rising in the east.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Hint! Take children outside in the morning. Point where is the sun coming up with your right hand. That direction is east. Point to the opposite direction with your left hand. That direction is west. Your face is north and your back is south.