Join me as we sing along to BINGO!
And then I've got a tell and draw story that you can learn to do.

Click for B-I-N-G-O
Piggyback tunes have been used forever because once the melodies are in the brain you can easily change the words. Here are a few new learning opportunities for this familiar tune.
Zip Code
There is a zip code where we live and we know our zip code.
3 - 2 – 1 – 5 - 5
3 - 2 – 1 – 5 - 5
3 - 2 – 1 – 5 – 5
Now we know our zip code.

There are some letters you should know and they are the vowels.
A – E – I – O – U
A – E – I – O - U
A – E – I – O - U
And now you know the vowels.
There are five senses that we use to help us learn each day.
See (Point to eyes.)
Hear (Point to ears.)
Smell (Point to nose.)
Taste (Point to mouth.)
Touch (Hold up hands.)
See, hear, smell, taste, touch,
See, hear, smell, taste, touch,
We use them every day.

Word Families
There is a word family you should know and ILL is it’s name-o.
They end in ILL you know.
Number Bonds
There are some facts that you should know and they all equal seven.
2 + 5
3 + 4
6 + 1
7 + 0