Mystery Object
Materials: box with a lid
Interesting objects from nature, souvenirs from other countries, etc.
Paper, pencils

Directions: Place an object in the box and tape the lid on. Write clues about what is in the box. Challenge children to draw a picture or write a sentence about what they think it is. At the end of the day open the box and compare responses.
Alike and Different
Materials: common objects such as paper clips, rubber bands, toothpicks, crayons, etc.
Paper, pencils

Directions: Put out two or three objects. Have the children fold a piece of paper in half. On one side of the paper ask them to write how the objects are alike. On the other side have them write how they are different.
Picture This
Materials: interesting magazine pictures or newspaper photographs
Paper, pencils

Directions: Display one of the pictures and ask the children to imagine that they are there and to write a story about what is happening.
Materials: items that relate to a season or unit of study, such as a pumpkin, magnet, pine cone, plastic egg, etc.
Paper pencils

Directions: Place the unique object in the thinking station and ask the children to make a list of all the different ways it could be used.