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Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Have ever heard a parent say, "Oh, I would never give my child scissors because they might hurt themselves or they might cut their clothes."  You might be surprised if you interviewed your class like this teacher!
Mrs. Jones said at the beginning of the school year she asked the children how many of them had their own computer, and most raised their hands. She asked how many of them had their own TV, and again, most raised their hands. Finally she asked how many of them had their own pair of scissors, and just a few raised their hands.

Those of us who have been teaching for many years have seen a dramatic decrease in small motor skills. Children just aren’t cutting, drawing, playing with play dough, stringing beads, working puzzles, or doing other manipulative activities. We not only need to engage children in these motor skills at school, but we need to remind parents of projects their children can do at home.

Cutting Tub
Ask parents to use a shoebox or purchase a plastic tub at a dollar store. Insert safety scissors, junk mail, old greeting cards, wrapping paper, etc. in the tub. When parents are busy cooking dinner they can get out the tub to entertain their child.

Tummy Cutting
Have children lay on the floor and prop themselves on their elbows. If they cut in this position, their elbow will stabilize their arm and give them greater scissor control.

*Wad up two sheets of paper and put one under each arm. As children keep their arms by their sides they will be able to cut better.

Demonstrate and Model
We have to remember that some children have never had a pair of scissors in their hands before. It’s important to take your time, model, and give explicit directions on basic tasks. Remind children to put your thumbs on top, just like "Tooty Ta," when you cut.
Hold the paper in one hand and take little bites with your scissors with the other hand.

Scisssors Snip
(Tune: “The Caissons Go Rolling Along”)
Cut it out! Cut it out!
With your scissors cut it out.
Snip, snap, and cut it out.
Thumbs on top,
Take small bites.
Hold your page in the other hand tight.
Cut it out! Cut it out!
With your scissors cut it out.
Snip, snap, and cut it out.