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Sunday, June 9, 2024


I want you to know that what I've done in my professional career has never been about ME. It's always been for teachers and children. Please know how HAPPY and GRATEFUL I am for all of you that sing and have fun with me!!!!

You'll be able to sing, dance, and learn with the "Rules Rap," "Lettercise," "Vowel Song," and "Macarena Math."

Here are the songs you'll find:

1. If You’re Happy
2. Couch Potato Pokey
3. Button Factory
4. Nursery Rhyme Medley
5. The Itsy Bitsy Spider
6. Ride That Pony
7. Hand Dance
8. Rules Rap
9. Junior Birdmen
10. Money Song
11. Gummy Bears
12. Planet Poem
13. Lettercise
14. Vowel Song
15. Letter Dance
16. Compound Boogie
17. Seven Little Letters
18. The More We Get Together