You will need:
1 bar of Ivory soap
1 plate (paper or glass)
Put the bar of soap on a plate. Place in the microwave for 90 seconds. (I actually only did it for 70 seconds.) Observe. Talk about magic! The soap will turn into a mass that looks like a fluffy cloud. Remove, cool, and then explore the texture.
Hint! Invite the children to record what the soap looks like before and after microwaving.
*What caused the change?
*How does it feel?
*Can they still use it like soap?
There are many informative books about clouds, as well as whimsical tales like CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS, IT LOOKED LIKE SPILT MILK, and THE LITTLE CLOUD.

I also found some free videos and resources if you want to learn more about clouds: