Karate Writing
We’re going to say the alphabet with karate motions. For letters that start at the top dotted line we will punch up high. For letters that start at the middle dotted line we will punch out in front of us. For letters with a tail that go below the line we will give a little kick. When we have finished we will fold our hands together and bow as we say, “The alphabet.”
A – punch from waist
B – punch up in the air
C – punch from waist
D – punch up in the air
E – punch from the waist
F – punch up in the air
G – give a little kick…etc.
Letter Sort
Make a brochure by folding a sheet of paper into thirds as shown. In the top section write letters that start at the top dotted line. In the middle write letters that start at the middle dotted line. Place letters with a tail that go below the line in the bottom section.
Hint! Do this as a large group activity with younger children, but challenge older students to do this independently.
Sight Words
Spell sight words with karate writing. Say the word and then punch it out. Fold hands as you repeat the word and bow.
*Younger children will enjoy doing this with their names.
*Older students can review spelling words or vocabulary words with karate writing.
Punctuation Punch
Tie in movements with capitalization and punctuation by having children stand and punch up high as they begin to read a sentence. They can give a little kick and sit down when they come to the period at the end.