It's fun to patty cake, but there's so much more going on here!
When you patty cake you cross the midline which activates both sides of the brain.
It's good for eye-hand coordination.
It's TPR - Total Physical Response - motor skills and oral language.
Patty cake encourages self-regulation and the executive function.
It nurtures 21st century skills - cooperation, collaboration, and communication.
You can reinforce phonics, rhyming, counting, words, and other skills.
It's free, simple, environmentally friendly, sugar-free...
Can you remember a patty cake rhyme you did as a child? What a great way to connect with children as you share a memory!
Nursery Rhymes
Patty cake nursery rhymes.
*Use the tune to "100 Bottles of Pop on the Wall" or "Yankee Doodle.)
Letters and Sounds
Clap right hands and say a letter. Cross left hands and make the sound.
A (right hand)
/a/ (left hand)
B (right hand)
/b/ (left hand)
C through Z
Count by one’s, five’s, ten’s, etc.
Sight Words
Children face a partner. They say the word as they clap. They cross and tap partner’s hands on each letter. Then high five and say the word in the air.
the (clap hands)
t (right hand)
h (left hand)
e (right hand)
the (high five)
Math Facts
Say addends and then high five the sum.
3 (right hand)
plus (left hand)
4 (right hand)
equals (left hand)
7 (high five)
