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Saturday, April 22, 2017


Kindergarten Bill of Rights

Kindergarten children have the right to the pursuit of happiness.

Kindergarten children have the right to wooden blocks and a housekeeping center.

Kindergarten children have the right to play dough and puzzles.

Kindergarten children have the right to hold hands with their friends and play games.

Kindergarten children have the right to free play outside.

Kindergarten children have the right to sing and dance and be silly.

Kindergarten children have the right to explore with paint, crayons, markers, glue, scissors, and to make a mess!!!

Kindergarten children have the right to have books read to them…many, many books.

Kindergarten children have the right to go on field trips.

Kindergarten children have a right to a quiet time every day so their brains can process information.

Kindergarten children have the right to think school is the most wonderful place in their world.

Kindergarten children have the right to think that they are capable and worthy.

Kindergarten children have the right to hopes and dreams.

Kindergarten children have the right to smiles and hugs.