One of the first things I learned when I did brain research was that the "brain likes novelty." These are all unique tricks that you can try to grab children's attention. I bet you'll find at least one or two that will work for you.
Play a music box to indicate to the children it’s time to get quiet.
*One teacher said she wound up the music box at the end of the day and challenged the children to get quiet quickly so there would still be music at the end of the day.

Blow bubbles and see if the children can be sitting quietly before all the bubbles pop.

Happy Chappy
Blow bubbles and see if the children can be sitting quietly before all the bubbles pop.

Happy Chappy
You will need some lip balm with a fragrance. Gently rub children’s right hand with a “happy chappy” when they are following directions.

If You Don’t Know What to Do (Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you don’t know what to do look at (child doing the correct thing).
If you don’t know what to do look at ---
She will show you what you ought to do
So you can do it, too.
If you don't know what to do look at ---
Flashlight Spotlight
Take a flashlight and shine it on a child who is modeling the behavior you are looking for. “Spotlight on (child’s name). He’s got his math book and he’s ready to learn.”

Breath through Your Nose
Challenge the children to practice breathing through their noses. Guess what? You can’t talk of your lips are sealed and you are breathing through your nose! (The teacher who shared this said she could run to the office and back and her kids wouldn’t make a peep!)

Peace and Quiet
Make the “peace” sign with one hand as you put the index finger from the other hand on your mouth.
Magic Clap
The teacher begins a clapping pattern which the students try to repeat.
Can children sing the alphabet backwards and be sitting quietly by the time you get to A?
Flashlight Spotlight
Take a flashlight and shine it on a child who is modeling the behavior you are looking for. “Spotlight on (child’s name). He’s got his math book and he’s ready to learn.”

Breath through Your Nose
Challenge the children to practice breathing through their noses. Guess what? You can’t talk of your lips are sealed and you are breathing through your nose! (The teacher who shared this said she could run to the office and back and her kids wouldn’t make a peep!)

Peace and Quiet
Make the “peace” sign with one hand as you put the index finger from the other hand on your mouth.
Magic Clap
The teacher begins a clapping pattern which the students try to repeat.
Can children sing the alphabet backwards and be sitting quietly by the time you get to A?