Here's the link if you missed it:
You could write the words on a poster and have the children chant with you before they go home at the end of the day. It also makes a fantastic class book.
Good-bye Friends!
See you later, alligator!
After while, crocodile!
In an hour, sunflower!
Maybe two, kangaroo!
Gotta go, buffalo!
Adios, hippos!
Chow, chow, brown cow!
See you soon, baboon!
Adieu, cockatoo!
Better swish, jellyfish.
Chop chop, lollipop.
Gotta run, skeleton!
Bye-bye, butterfly!
Better shake, rattlesnake.
Good-bye, my good friends!
I've made this book many times through the years. First, I enlarge the words and put one line on each page. I make two copies of each page since there are 15 lines and usually at least 25 children in a classroom. After singing the song several times I let each child choose an animal and illustrate it for our book. Sometimes we do a little research on the internet if they are not familiar with an animal. I encourage the children to use lots of colors and to fill in the page. I let them dedicate their book and then add the school's name as the publisher and the copyright date. The children all sign their names as “Illustrators,” and then I punch holes and bind with book rings. I use the extra pictures on the cover, “The End,” “Comments and Compliments,” etc.
Hint! This song is on my “Totally Reading” CD, but it’s easy to sing to the tune of “Down by the Bay.”
Here’s a book you can download to go with the song:
Meet some of my new friends I met this week in Salisbury, MD.

We acted out “Five Little Monkeys” and Joy Venere shared how she uses colored scarves as they sing.
Five little monkeys – cover 5 fingers with the scarf
Teasing Mr. Alligator – cover head with scarf and wiggle fingers
Along Came Mr. Alligator – wiggle scarf like alligator swimming
And snap that monkey – throw the scarf up and catch it
Repeat 4, 3, 2, l
Missed me, missed me – tie scarf like a tie and then blow a kiss
*You could also use a strip of toilet paper or a piece of plastic tape.
I'll "see you later, alligator," because I'm on my way to the Early Childhood Conference in Whitewater, Wisconsin. And "after while crocodile" Kalina and K.J. are coming for a week. Can't wait!!!