P.S. If you subscribe to my YouTube channel you'll get a notice about this each week.
Tooty Ta
Tooty ta, tooty ta, tooty ta ta. (Children repeat.)
Tooty ta, tooty ta, tooty ta ta.
Thumbs up.
Tooty ta….
Thumbs up…Elbows back.
Tooty ta…
Thumbs up…Elbows back…feet apart.
Song continues as you add knees together, eyes shut, tongue out, turn around.
Scat the Cat
Once there was a little black cat. (Hold up the file folder showing the black cat.) He was a magic cat because he could change his colors (snap fingers) just like that. All he had to say was:
I’m Scat the Cat. (Children join in on the chorus.)
I’m sassy and fat.
And I can change my colors
Just like that! (Snap fingers.)
One day Scat decided he was tired of being black. He wanted to be a new color so he said: CHORUS. (Remove the black sheet of paper to make the cat blue.) And he changed blue! Scat went down to the pond to look at himself in the water. Unfortunately, he fell in and he couldn’t swim. Timmy Turtle came along and helped Scat get back on shore.
Use this link to get the rest of the story and the pattern so you can make your own Scat!
(This is another echo rhyme.)
I’ve got ten little fingers, (Hold up both hands.)
And ten little toes, (Point to feet.)
Two little eyes, (Point to eyes.)
And a mouth and a nose. (Point mouth and then nose.)
Put them all together, (Circle arms as if hugging.)
And what have you got? (Hands on hips.)
You’ve got me, baby, (Put thumbs in chest.)
And that’s a lot! (Wiggle hips.)
Special You
(Tune: "Twinkle Little Star")
Special, special, special you,
You are special it is true.
There is no one quite like you.
Your teacher loves you
and your friends do, too!
Special, special, special you,
Here's a hug from me to you!!!
Here's a great blog that Education Service Center 13 has created to help parents and children. Simple, inexpensive, fun, and meaningful ways that parents can engage their children.