We just bought our grandson a new pair of shoes for school. He's so proud! Here’s a song we
used to sing at circle time when a someone got a new pair of shoes:
New Shoes
(Tune: This Old Man)
Here’s one foot. (Stick
out one foot.)
Here are two. (Stick
out the other foot.)
Each is wearing
a brand new shoe. (Tap feet.)
So stand up,
turn around, (Child turns around
Dance around the
floor. and
That’s what
these two feet are for! (Hands on
hips and smile.)
Get a spiral
notebook and write “New Shoes” on the front. When children wear a new pair of shoes invite them to draw a
picture of their new shoes in the book.
P.S. One of my 16 month old granddaughter’s
first words was “shoes.” Do you
think loving shoes is part of her gene pool?