Materials: pocket folders, keyboard pattern (link below), glue, index cards
Directions: Cut around the keyboard pattern and glue it to the inside top right of the pocket folder as shown. On the index cards write letters of the alphabet. Place them in the pocket. Students choose a card and place it on the top of the screen. After visually matching the letter and "typing" it on the keyboard they place it in the left pocket.
*Write sight words on index cards and place them in the pocket. Children choose a word, type it, and then place it in the pocket on the left side.
*Write children's names on index cards so they can practice typing.
*Use iPads to reinforce spelling words or vocabulary words.
Cell Phone
Materials: copies of the cell phone, heavy paper, scissors, markers, glue
Directions: Make copies of the attached cell phone. Children cut out the front of the phone. Next, let them trace around the back of the phone on heavy paper and cut it out. Glue the front of the cell phone to the back. Decorate the back with markers.
Note! If your copy machine will work with card stock you can copy the pattern on that.
Hint! Use a hole punch to make a viewfinder so they can take pictures with their phones. They can take pictures of shapes, words, letters, nouns, tools, friends, and so forth.
*Call out letters or numbers for children to identify.
*Type out phone numbers or zip codes.
*Spell words. How much is a word worth?
*Use for math facts or number stories.
*Teach children how to type 911 in emergencies.
*Let children make up their own learning activities to do with their phones.