There are many of you who have requested more materials in Spanish.
I'm excited that my webmaster Alex May has created this new video
for "Today Is Sunday." Hope you'll like it!
Are you kidding? I know it's not Sunday, but you can sing "Today Is Sunday" every day to help children learn the days of the week. It's an old song I learned in scouts, but going forwards and backwards is actually good for
the brain.
Carolyn has created an adorable book to go with the song in our "November Happies."
You can also write the days of the week on seven paper plates as shown. Glue pictures to the plates or let children draw the foods. Pass these out to seven children and let them stand in front of the room and hold up their plate at the appropriate time in the song.
Calendar Time
Every morning you can sing, "Today is day of the week. Day of the week (special like music, PE, art). All you lucky children, well, that's O.K."
Fold two sheets of paper in half and staple to make a book. The children can write a different day on each page and then draw their favorite foods. (The teacher who shared this idea years ago said one little boy who was a picky eater drew macaroni and cheese on every page!)