I'm going to look on the bright side and make this wish for Christmas!
All I want for Christmas is for teachers to be respected and given more latitude to do their jobs.
I want “rigor” and “instructional time” to be replaced with joyful learning.
I want the focus on the whole child (social, emotional, physical, and intellectual) instead of test scores and standards.
I want teachers to be able to sing a song, read a book, and play a game just because!
I want parents and administrators to be less critical. Education is not a snap shot, but a video. Step back and take a look at the whole journey.
I want anyone who makes decisions about what children should be expected to do at a particular grade level to have taught that grade. (It’s easy to make lists of what children should be able to do if you’ve never been there!)
I want less emphasis on technology and more on hands-on, interactive learning.
I want teachers and children to be happy.
I want peace on earth.
And I want all of you to find a little JOY this holiday season!

Now, I'm going to look on the bright side and turn this computer off until December 26! Blessings of love and peace and JOY to all of you!