Whisper Wednesday
Before the children leave on Tuesday afternoon explain that tomorrow will be “Whisper Wednesday” and that all day long you will use "whisper voices." Make a sign for your door that says “Welcome to Whisper Wednesday. Please put on your whisper voice before entering today!” Greet the children at the door by whispering, “Good morning! I’m so glad you’re here today!” Sing, talk, read, and whisper through the day.
Breath through Your Nose
Challenge the children to practice breathing through their noses. Guess what? You can’t talk of your lips are sealed and you are breathing through your nose! (The teacher who shared this said she could run to the office and back and her kids wouldn’t make a peep!)
Peace and Quiet
Make the “peace” sign with one hand as you put the index finger from the other hand on your mouth.
Silent Signals
Make a poster with fingers for the things below. Children hold up the appropriate finger for what they need. The teacher can nod “yes” or shake her head “no.”
1 finger – pencil
2 fingers – tissue
3 fingers – bathroom
5 fingers – question