Children will easily remember the parts of a letter with this song to the tune of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes:”
Head, greeting, body, closing, signature.
Head, greeting, body, closing, signature.
These are the parts of a letter.
Head, greeting, body, closing, signature.
*Point to your head as you say “head.”
Point to your mouth as you say “greeting.”
Point to your body as you say “body.”
Point to your knee as you say “closing.”
Point to your feet as you say “signature.”
*Let children write letters to their friends in other classes and deliver them at the end of the day.
*Write letters to politicians, children’s favorite authors, movie stars, famous athletes, etc.
*And, yes, you might even be at a school where they can write letters to Santa! (You can download these free from several sites.)

Here’s a simple way to make a letter/envelope.