Family Fun Calendar
Run off this calendar and mail (or email) it to your families. Suggest parents glue it to a heavy piece of cardboard and attach a string so it can be hung up in their home. Ask them to let their child decorate it and read over the activities to get them excited.
Bucket of “Fun”
Make a list of activities that children can do with their families over the summer to reinforce skills you’ve worked on during the school year. Suggest that they use a sand bucket or use a plastic up to make this "bucket of fun." Choose the activities that they like and put them in the bucket. Let their child select a strip each day and do the activity.
Some examples might include:
Read a story with your parents. Tell what happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the story. What do you think will happen next?
Play a rhyming game. How many words can you think of that rhyme with "can"? "Pot"?
"Book"? "Coat"? "Sheep"? "Like"?
Trace around your hand and your foot. What can you make out of them?
Count as high as you can. Can you count by 2's, 5's, and 1O's?
Ask your parents to teach you a song they learned when they were your age.
Look in your kitchen pantry. How many labels can you read?
How many ways can you move? Can you hop, skip, jump, gallop, tiptoe, walk
Can you draw a circle, oval, square, rectangle, and triangle? What other shapes can
you draw?
Write a special letter to someone in your house.
Look at some of your baby pictures. How have you changed?
Find something that begins with these letters: B, H, S, M, L,
Draw a picture of your neighborhood.
Make a list of 5 things that are non-living. Make a list of 5 things that are living.
Do you have a library card? Visit your library and check out some books.
Do a job around the house.
Write your name on a piece of paper - first, middle, and last. What are your initials?