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Friday, July 21, 2023

TIPS AND TRICKS - Props and Magic Wands

Children don’t think abstractly. They live in a concrete world and that’s why simple props work like magic to capture their attention.

Music Box
Play a music box to indicate to the children it’s time to get quiet.
*One teacher said she wound up the music box at the end of the day and challenged the children to get quiet quickly so there would still be music at the end of the day.

Whistles and Chimes
Use a whistle, chimes, squeaky toy or other sound effect to get children’s attention.

Blow bubbles and see if the children can be sitting quietly before all the bubbles pop.

Blink the lights, play a xylophone, or make some other unique noise or motion.

Quiet Lotion
Make a label for a bottle of disinfectant that says “Quiet Lotion” or "Calm Down Lotion." As you pass it around the class ask children to take a little and rub it in their hands. Explain that it’s a reminder to pay attention and to be a good listeners.

Quiet Creatures
(Jennifer Olayo)
You’ll need a large pompom, small pompom, googly eyes, and a foam heart or flower to make a quiet creature. Glue the small pompom to the large one for a nose. Add eyes and stick the heart on the bottom for feet. Children take out their quiet creatures during quiet activities. If they talk they lose their creature. When they finish they can whisper quietly to their creature.

Brain Sprinkles
Put a few spoonfuls of rice in a Pringle’s can and glue on the lid. Cover the can with sparkly paper. When it’s something important for the children to learn explain that you will put brain sprinkles on them. (Shake the can over their heads!)

Make a magic wand by dipping the end of a chopstick in glue and then rolling it in glitter.
Dry. Wave the wand in the air as you say:

Abracadabra! When you feel the magic you will be quiet and listen to me!

*If a child is not listening, wave it over their head as you say, “You must not feel the magic. Child’s name, do you feel it now?” Look at the child as you say this and you might even surprise yourself how well it works!