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Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Yeah, I know that some people think that "show and tell" is a waste of time. In my opinion it's a great way to develop oral language skills and help children become confident in speaking in front of a group. (Above all, most kids love it!) Here are some tips that might make show and tell a more meaningful experience in your classroom this year.

Skills and Standards
Focus show and tell on a specific theme you are studying. Have students bring in something of a particular color, letter, shape, science concept (sign of fall), etc.

All, Several, or One?

Limit sharing time to one day a week, or assign several children to each day. You could also have a special “show and share” bag that goes home with one child each day.

Three Statements
The person sharing can make three statements about what they have brought. The class then gets to ask them three questions about it.
*You could also ask children to come up with three clues about what they have brought from home. (Parents could write these for younger students.) After giving the clues, friends try and guess what it is.

20 Questions
Let the class ask 20 questions about show and tell items. Tally their answers on the board.

Show What You Know
Try “show what you know” where children can demonstrate what they have learned about a theme. They could do an art project, make up a song, do a skit, make a video, etc.

Listening Share
Have children close their eyes as friends take turns sharing. Can everyone remember one thing at the end of sharing time?

Provide a child-size podium (old music stand) for children to stand behind when they speak.

Sharing Shelf
Instead of passing objects around the class, designate a special shelf or table in your classroom where students can place their show and tell objects for friends to look at later in the day.