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Monday, August 26, 2024


Is, “Shhhhhh!” not working? Well, here are a few tricks for you to try!

Tootsie Roll
Tootsie roll, (Roll hands around each other.)
Lollipop. (Pretend to lick a lollipop.)
We’ve been talking, (Open and shut fingers.)
Now let’s stop! (Make sign language sign for “stop.”)

Hocus Pocus
Teacher says:
“Hocus Pocus!” (Stick out index finger and circle around like a wand.)
Children respond:
“Everybody focus!” (Make circles around eyes like spectacles.)

Student Heroes
5-4-3-2-1-zero (Hold up hand and put down one finger at a time.)
I’m looking for my student heroes.
(Make circles with index fingers and thumbs and placearound eyes like glasses.)

Give Me a Clap
(Tune: “Addams Family”)
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.) Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a clap, give me a clap,
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a snap. (Snap twice.) Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
Now fold your hands and put them down
Into your lap. (Model putting your hands in your lap.)

How Does My Teacher Feel about Me?
Teacher says: How does my teacher feel about me?”
Children respond: I’m as special as special can be (Sparkle fingers.)
because my teacher believes in me! (Hug self.)

Secret Signals
Explain that your class will have some secret signals that no one else knows.

1. When you say “one”, they should sit criss-cross applesauce.
2. When you say “two,” they need to put their hands in their lap.
3. On “three,” they put a smile on their face.
*Make up additional secret numbers, such as “four” stand up straight and “five” hands by sides.

Everybody Have a Seat (Tune: “Shortnin’ Bread”)
Everybody have a seat, have a seat, have a seat.
Everybody have a seat on the floor.
Not on the ceiling, not on the door.
Everybody have a seat on the floor.

*If you want children to sit on a chair change the words and sing,
“Everybody have a seat on your chair. Not on the window, not in the air. Everybody have a seat on your chair.”

If You’re Ready to Get Started
(Tune: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”)
If you’re ready to get started say, I AM! (Children say, “I am!”)
If you’re ready to get started say, I AM! (Children say, “I am!”)
If you say that you’re not,
You’re going to miss out on a lot.
If you’re ready to get started say, I AM! (Children say, “I am!)

Criss Cross
Criss cross, (Sit on floor and cross legs.)
Be your own boss. (Fold your arms and nod head.)

Sitting Chant
1, 2, 3, 4 - glue your bottoms to the floor.
5, 6, 7, 8 - hands to yourself and sit up straight.

Peace and Quiet
Make the “peace” sign with one hand as you put the index finger from the other hand on your mouth.

Music Box
Play a music box to indicate to the children it’s time to get quiet.
*One teacher said she wound up the music box at the end of the day and challenged the children to get quiet quickly so there would still be music at the end of the day.

Blow bubbles and see if the children can be sitting quietly before all the bubbles pop.

Magic Clap
The teacher begins a clapping pattern which the students try to repeat.

Can children sing the alphabet backwards and be sitting quietly by the time you get to A?

Here’s a video where you can watch me demonstrate many of these attention grabbers.