Kids get to sign their name as members of the “Jingle Bell Club” when they learn to tie their shoes. They also get a jingle bell on a ribbon to tie on their shoe laces.
Gel Stickers

Free play on windows or a mirror. These can also be used on a cookie sheet for sorting, making sets, addition, etc.
Santa Chair Cover
What a special treat to use for reading or writing!
Santa Chair Cover
What a special treat to use for reading or writing!
*Children could also sit in the chair and write a letter to Santa.
A Coloring We'll Go
I am the last person in the world who would encourage coloring books over creative art, but the truth is that some kids just like to color. I was working with some child care centers years ago and I was "against" worksheets or coloring sheets. I went into a teacher’s room and to my dismay there was a group of girls sitting at a table coloring. They were chatting and have a grand time. The teacher said, “They beg to do worksheets and use coloring books.” Oh, well! So, put a holiday coloring book and crayons in a center as a reward if children finish their work early. It might entertain them and it certainly will do no harm.