What better place to do REAL writing about REAL experiences than out on the playground!
Cut 5" off the top of lunch bags. Give children scrap paper and markers to decorate like a camera. (Oops! Some of them might not know about cameras any more so you might need to explain that to them!!) Punch holes and tie on string so the camera can be worn around the neck. Cut 4 1/2" squares and place inside the camera. Take children on an nature walk and invite them to take "photos" of things they see. When you return to the classroom ask them to draw their favorite thing on the paper in their camera. Next, ask them to write or dictate a sentence about their "photo."
*Note! Tie this into science themes by having them take "photos" of signs of summer, animal homes, living objects, and so forth.

Opinion - What I Like to Do Outside
Make blank books by folding two sheets of paper in half and stapling the side. Give children the books, something to write on, and inspire them by sitting under a tree on the playground.
Descriptive – My Senses
Prepare a worksheet with the following:
Opinion - What I Like to Do Outside
Make blank books by folding two sheets of paper in half and stapling the side. Give children the books, something to write on, and inspire them by sitting under a tree on the playground.
Descriptive – My Senses
Prepare a worksheet with the following:
I see _______.
I hear _______.
I smell _______.
I touch ______.
Give children a clipboard and encourage them to explore the playground as they fill in the blanks (write or draw pictures). Let children share their findings with classmates and then put their pages together to make a class book.

Narrative - Cartoon
Prepare cartoon frames for children with 3 or 4 sections. Have them use the cartoon frames to illustrate something they have done outside. Demonstrate how to add dialogue bubbles so the characters can talk.
I Wonder Research
Make “thinking pads” for children by cutting paper into fourths and stapling several sheets together. Explain that you will take a “wonder walk” on the school grounds. If they see something they’d like to know more about, they can draw a picture or write it on their thinking pads. Let children share what they recorded when you return to the classroom. Brainstorm how they can find out more about their topic. *Let them do “research” with their parents for homework.

Give children a clipboard and encourage them to explore the playground as they fill in the blanks (write or draw pictures). Let children share their findings with classmates and then put their pages together to make a class book.
Narrative - Cartoon
Prepare cartoon frames for children with 3 or 4 sections. Have them use the cartoon frames to illustrate something they have done outside. Demonstrate how to add dialogue bubbles so the characters can talk.
I Wonder Research
Make “thinking pads” for children by cutting paper into fourths and stapling several sheets together. Explain that you will take a “wonder walk” on the school grounds. If they see something they’d like to know more about, they can draw a picture or write it on their thinking pads. Let children share what they recorded when you return to the classroom. Brainstorm how they can find out more about their topic. *Let them do “research” with their parents for homework.