Macarena Count to 100
Directions: Children stand and do the “Macarena” as they count.
1 (Right arm out palm down.)
2 (Left arm out palm down.)
3 (Right palm up.)
4 (Left palm up.)
5 (Right hand on left shoulder.)
6 (Left hand on right shoulder.)
7 (Right hand behind head.)
8 (Left hand behind head.)
9 (Right hand on left hip.)
10 (Left hand on right hip.)
(Clap two times.)
That is one ten. (Hold up one finger.)
*Do the “Macarena” with Dr. Jean on this video:
Macarena Months(Dance the Macarena as you sing.)
January, (Left arm out with palm down.)
February, (Right arm out with palm down.)
March, (Turn left palm up.)
April, (Turn right palm up.)
May, (Right hand on left shoulder.)
June, (Left hand on right shoulder.)
July, (Right hand on back of head.)
August, (Left hand on back of head.)
September, (Right hand on left front hip.)
October, (Left hand on right front hip.)
November, (Right hand on back right hip.)
December, (Left hand on back left hip.)
Then you turn around. (Turn around.)
*End with "There are 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days in a year, WHOO!" (Point to the sky on Whoo!)
Macarena Alphabet
Sing or say the letters as you cross the midline.
A (Left arm out with palm down.)
B (Right arm out with palm down.)
C (Turn left palm up.)
D (Turn right palm up.)
E (Right hand on left shoulder.)
F (Left hand on right shoulder.)
G (Right hand on back of head.)
H (Left hand on back of head.)
I (Right hand on left front hip.)
J (Left hand on right front hip.)
K (Right hand on back right hip.)
L (Left hand on back left hip.)
And M (Turn around.)
N (Left arm out with palm down.)
O (Right arm out with palm down.)
P (Turn left palm up.)
Q (Turn right palm up.)
R (Right hand on left shoulder.)
S (Left hand on right shoulder.)
T (Right hand on back of head.)
U (Left hand on back of head.)
V (Right hand on left front hip.)
W (Left hand on right front hip.)
X (Right hand on back right hip.)
Y (Left hand on back left hip.)
And Z (Turn around.)