Fist List
Have students tuck in their thumb and then put down a finger as they repeat each task they need to complete. Adapt to their assignment for the day. For example:
Put down 1 finger. “Journal writing.”
Put down 2nd finger. “Phonics game.”
Put down 3rd finger. “Independent reading.”
Put down 4th finger. “Ipad skills.”
*This will also nurture the executive function by helping kids plan and organize.
Recall Fist List
Recall at the end of the day by asking students to make a “fist list” of what they learned that day. They can put down a finger for everything they learned or feel good about.
Recall at the end of the day by asking students to make a “fist list” of what they learned that day. They can put down a finger for everything they learned or feel good about.
New Skill Fist List
Here’s a formula for learning a new skill.
1st – Hold up one finger and repeat it out loud.
2nd - Hold up the second finger and visualize using the skill.
3rd – Hold up the third finger and repeat it with a partner.
Feeling Good Fist List
I use this tip to end my concerts with children, but I think it would be a special way to send children home at the end of the day.
First: Open up your hand and tuck in your thumb.
Second: You are amazing. (Bring down index finger.)
Third: You are special. (Bring down middle finger.)
Fourth: You are wonderful. (Bring down ring finger.)
Fifth: You are kind. (Bring down pinky.)
*Adapt the adjectives to your school goals.