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Saturday, March 15, 2025


Let’s explore how to use another popular graphic organizer today. You could model using webs for large group instruction, assign them for independent work, or use them for partner or small group projects. 

Webs can be done on any topic from science to literature, phonics, math, special friends – you name it! Webs can be done as a traditional bubble with lines coming off, or you can make webs that reflect your theme. For example: a spider shape, flower, tree, etc. Webs are open-ended and encourage creativity and thinking outside the box. 

Brainstorm – concept in the middle and then add comments

Phonics – letter in the middle and add words or pictures

Numbers – number in the middle and different ways to make that number

Shape – shape in the middle and objects that are made with the shape

Vocabulary – word in the middle with synonyms

Affixes – prefix or suffix in the middle with words made with the affix

Science or social studies– topic in the middle with facts

Writing prompt - facts to include

Special friend – child’s name in the middle with positive comments around

Assessment – This is a fantastic strategy to show individual learning. When you start a unit give children a sheet of paper and ask them to do a web about what they know on the topic. Date and save. At the end of the unit ask them to make another web with everything they’ve learned about the topic. Date and staple with the initial one. Send home with a note to the parents that says: “These webs show what your child has learned during our study of _____.”

How can you use a web today instead of a worksheet???