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Sunday, March 16, 2025


Hand of Thoughts

Children trace around their hand and write a story element (Who, what, where, when, why) in each finger.

Character Graph

Draw the outline of a body similar to the one shown. Label with “see,” “hear,” “think,” “say,” “feel,” “go.” After reading a story use the character graph for children to recall details.

Star of Knowledge

Make a large star and write a concept in the middle. Children add facts and details in each point of the star.


T-chart helps students sort information. It can be used to discriminate:

Odd and even numbers

Facts and fiction

Nouns and verbs

Science concepts (float/sink, magnet attracts/repels, manmade/natural, recycle/not recyclable, mammals/reptiles, etc.) 

Synonyms, antonyms

Positive/negative behaviors (friends/bullies, healthy foods/junk foods)