Science -Winter Nature center
Materials: magnifying glass, clip board, paper, pencils, tubLet children look at the items with a magnifying glass. Can they make a list of all the items they find in the tub?
Can they write descriptive sentences about what they find?
Gel Stickers

Free play on windows or a mirror. These can also be used on a cookie sheet.
Santa Chair Cover
Those of you who do flexible seating could use this as a special treat.

*Children could sit in the chair and write a letter to Santa.
A Coloring We'll Go
I am the last person in the world who would encourage coloring books over creative art, but the truth is that some kids just like to color. I was working with some child care centers years ago and my rules were no worksheets or coloring sheets and no screen time. I went into a teacher’s room and to my dismay there was a group of girls sitting at a table coloring. They were chatting and have a grand time. The teacher said, “They beg to do worksheets and use coloring books.” Oh, well! So, put a holiday coloring book and crayons in a center as a reward if children finish their work early. It might entertain them and it certainly will do no harm.

Jingle Bell Club(Kitty Allen)
Kids get to sign their name as members of the “Jingle Bell Club” when they learn to tie their shoes. They also get a jingle bell on a ribbon to tie on their shoe laces.