Calm Down Lotion
You know that drawer full of body lotion you've received as gifts. Take the label off one and print a new one that says "Calm Down Lotion." Give each child a little squirt to rub on their hands and arms to help them relax.

Hint! Lavender and vanilla are suppose to be particularly good for reducing stress.
Silent Singing
Sing the "Alphabet Song" or any song lowering your voice each time until you are lip singing. You'll be amazed at how it calms down the class.
Silent Singing
Sing the "Alphabet Song" or any song lowering your voice each time until you are lip singing. You'll be amazed at how it calms down the class.
Turn off the Lights
Something as simple as turning off the lights can reduce stress and energy. You could also play some quiet music as children enter the classroom.
Take a Deep Breath
Take a Deep Breath
Have children pretend to breath in hot chocolate as you slowly count to 8. Blow out the birthday candles as you slowly count to 8. Continue counting slowly as children breath in and out.
Give Your Mouth a Vacation
Give Your Mouth a Vacation
Challenge children to “give their mouths a vacation” and practice breathing through their noses.
Whisper Wednesday
Before the children leave Tuesday explain that tomorrow will be “Whisper Wednesday” and that you will only use whisper voices in your classroom all day. (I might make up a little story about an elf telling me to do that because he has such big ears and loud noises really bother him!) Make a sign for your door that says “Welcome to Whisper Wednesday. Please put on your whisper voice before entering today!” Greet the children at the door by whispering, “Good morning! I’m so glad you’re here today!” Sing, talk, read, and whisper through the day.

You might enjoy Whisper Wednesday so much you will want to continue doing it every Wednesday in the New Year.
Make Rain
Hold up your palm as you say, “Let’s make rain. Do what I do.”
Tap pointer finger on palm for several seconds.
Tap pointer finger and middle finger.
Tap pointer, middle, and ring finger.
Tap pointer, middle, ring, and pinky on palm.
Clap hands together loudly.
Clap hands and stomp feet and then reverse the movements.
Clap hands.
Tap pointer, middle, ring, and pinky on palm.
Tap pointer, middle, and ring finger.
Tap pointer and middle finger.
Tap pointer finger on palm.
Slowly bring palms together and put in your lap.
Whisper Wednesday
Before the children leave Tuesday explain that tomorrow will be “Whisper Wednesday” and that you will only use whisper voices in your classroom all day. (I might make up a little story about an elf telling me to do that because he has such big ears and loud noises really bother him!) Make a sign for your door that says “Welcome to Whisper Wednesday. Please put on your whisper voice before entering today!” Greet the children at the door by whispering, “Good morning! I’m so glad you’re here today!” Sing, talk, read, and whisper through the day.
You might enjoy Whisper Wednesday so much you will want to continue doing it every Wednesday in the New Year.
Make Rain
Hold up your palm as you say, “Let’s make rain. Do what I do.”
Tap pointer finger on palm for several seconds.
Tap pointer finger and middle finger.
Tap pointer, middle, and ring finger.
Tap pointer, middle, ring, and pinky on palm.
Clap hands together loudly.
Clap hands and stomp feet and then reverse the movements.
Clap hands.
Tap pointer, middle, ring, and pinky on palm.
Tap pointer, middle, and ring finger.
Tap pointer and middle finger.
Tap pointer finger on palm.
Slowly bring palms together and put in your lap.
*This will really sound like a rainstorm is coming and going. Children will want to do it again and again. Woe be unto the child who does not cooperate with the group!