Warm weather and here come the bugs! I found this echo poem that Holly wrote several year ago. Read it and “let it be,” or try some of the other “buggy” activities.
The Bug Dance
By Dr. Holly
Bugs, bugs everywhere!
Bugs, bugs everywhere!
On my shoulders, in my hair!
On my shoulders, in my hair!
Fat and lean ones, in-between ones
Fat and lean ones, in-between ones
Orange ones, red ones, pink and green ones!
Orange ones, red ones, pink and green ones!
Crickets, beetles, ladybugs too—
Crickets, beetles, ladybugs too—
One just landed on my shoe!
One just landed on my shoe!
Caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, ants
Caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, ants
One is crawling up my pants!
One is crawling up my pants!
I like bugs both big and small.
I like bugs both big and small.
I like them marching up the wall.
I like them marching up the wall.
I like them on flowers and in trees,
I like them on flowers and in trees,
But please, oh please, get them off of me!
But please, oh please, get them off of me!
Choral Reading – Teacher reads the first line and then children repeat it.
Visual Imagery – Children close their eyes as they repeat the rhyme and “make pictures” in their brain.
Drawings – Have children illustrate the poem.
Bug Books – Check out books from the library and ask children, “What can you find out about bugs?” Encourage them to take notes and share what they learned.
Thumbprint Bugs – Children make thumbprints on a page and then add details with markers to create bugs.
Bug Paintings – Cut paper to fit in a shoebox or similar box with a lid. Put plastic bugs in paint and then use a spoon to transfer them to the box. Put the lid on and shake the box. The bugs will “paint” a picture for you!
Play Dough – Let children create bugs out of play dough and sections of pipe cleaners. Encourage them to name their bugs.

Things that Bug Me - Discuss different meanings of the word "bug." Let children draw pictures of things that "bug" them.
The Ants Go Marching (Tune: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home”)
The ants go marching one by one, (Hold up one finger.)
Hurrah! Hurrah! (Fist in the air.)
The ants go marching one by one,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb, (Pretend to suck thumb.)
And they all go marching down, (Hands go down.)
To the ground,
To get out of the rain
Boom! Boom! Boom! (Pat thighs.)
Two by two…tie his shoe (Pretend to tie shoes.)
Three by three…climb a tree (Climb a tree.)
Four by four…shut the door (Shut the door.)
Five by five…boogie jive (Dance in place.)
Six by six…pick up sticks (Pick up sticks.)
Seven by seven…point to heaven (Point upwards.)
Eight by eight…learn to skate (Pretend to skate.)
Nine by nine…scratch his spine (Scratch spine.)
Ten by ten…That’s the end! (Snap fingers.)
Let children dramatize this song. Make headbands or let them wear number vests to indicate different verses in the song.
The Ants Go Marching (Tune: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home”)
The ants go marching one by one, (Hold up one finger.)
Hurrah! Hurrah! (Fist in the air.)
The ants go marching one by one,
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb, (Pretend to suck thumb.)
And they all go marching down, (Hands go down.)
To the ground,
To get out of the rain
Boom! Boom! Boom! (Pat thighs.)
Two by two…tie his shoe (Pretend to tie shoes.)
Three by three…climb a tree (Climb a tree.)
Four by four…shut the door (Shut the door.)
Five by five…boogie jive (Dance in place.)
Six by six…pick up sticks (Pick up sticks.)
Seven by seven…point to heaven (Point upwards.)
Eight by eight…learn to skate (Pretend to skate.)
Nine by nine…scratch his spine (Scratch spine.)
Ten by ten…That’s the end! (Snap fingers.)
Let children dramatize this song. Make headbands or let them wear number vests to indicate different verses in the song.