We will celebrate Flag Day on June 14, but here’s a song you can sing all year to prompt your class before saying the Pledge of Allegiance.
We Love Our Flag
(Tune: “Farmer in the Dell”)
We love our flag.
We love our flag.
We love America
And we love our flag.
Red, white, and blue,
Red, white, and blue,
The colors of our country’s flag
Are red, white, and blue.
50 stars of white
On a field of blue
Stand for 50 states
Where we live, it’s true.
Thirteen stripes
In red and white
Stand for the colonies
For freedom they did fight.
We love our flag…
* Use the words in the song to explain the meaning of the stars and strips.
Here’s the link to download the book:

Check out this video to learn another song about our flag. The last verse is my favorite:
We are all Americans
And so we always say I CAN!
We try and do our best
Because we are Americans.
Click to view video.
Flag Etiquette
Teach children flag etiquette and the importance of not dragging the flag on the ground.
Design a Flag
Give children a sheet of white paper and the scrap box and let them design their own flags.
O.K. If you've read to the end of this blog, I've saved the best idea until last. Whenever your class completes an art project let them "parade" their creations around the room. Put on some catchy music and they can walk around in a circle holding up their work. It's so funny because they really think they are "special."
Foam Hands(Cheri Rummens, Mansfield Preschool)
Cut hands out of foam and write “left” and “right” on them before taping them above the calendar and flag. Remind the children to look and see which hand they should place on their heart before they do the pledge.