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Thursday, May 9, 2024


You can have fun creating a fitness trail with your children where they can exercise as they learn!

WHAT? cardboard rectangles (8” x 10”), markers, tape

*Hint! Grocery sacks or food boxes can make great signs.

HOW? Have a family "brainstorming" session where you think of different “body” and “brain” exercises you can do.

For example:
10 jumping jacks
say a nursery rhyme
8 windmills
count backwards from 20
12 squats
name your city, state, and country
15 toe touches
name 5 insects
run in place
sing the ABC’s forwards and then backwards
count by 10’s to 100
hop on one foot – hop on the other foot
say your birthday, address, and phone number

Number the cardboard signs and write a different exercise on each one. Let the children decorate the signs with markers.

Tape the exercises around your playground or backyard and let the fun begin!

Note! If the weather is bad or you don't have an outdoor area you can create a similar challenge inside using paper plates.

You can use water bottles for weights, or just fill an empty bottle with beans or popcorn kernels. Your kids will LOVE them!