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Tuesday, May 7, 2024


My webmaster created a video to go with my song "We're Great!" It's a natural way to introduce vocabulary words and positive character traits. I hope your class will enjoy it.

Hint! If you're still looking for an idea for an end of year program this might work for you. One teacher said each child decorated a poster with a letter and word. The children came out on stage with their letter at the appropriate time as they sang the song.

We’re Great!
We’re great, but no one knows it.
No one knows it so far.
Some day they’ll realize how wonderful we are!
They’ll look at us, and point at us,
and then they’ll shout, “Hurray!”
Let’s cheer how we’re wonderful beginning with A.

A- We’re awesome.
B- We’re brave.
C- We’re creative.
D- We’re dynamic
E- We’re enthusiastic
F- We’re fantastic.
G- We’re gifted
H- We’re honest
I- We’re imaginative
J- We’re joyful.
K- We’re kind.
L- We’re lovable
M- We’re magnificent.
N- We’re nice.
O- We’re outgoing
P- We’re polite.
Q- We’re quick.
R- We’re responsible
S- We’re special.
T- We’re terrific.
U- We’re unique.
V- We’re valuable.
W- We’re wonderful.
X- We’re excellent.
Y- We’re youthful
Z- We’re zany!

Class Book
On the front of the notebook or pocket folder write “We’re Great!” Write a
different letter of the alphabet on each page. Tell the children that you want them to help you make a special dictionary with WONDERFUL words that describe special people just like them! Use the words from the above chant to start your dictionary. Add words that children suggest.

Here's another fabulous article by Laura Pearson that you can share with your families.  Children will act "GREAT" when they feel great with these tips!

Revitalize and Refresh: Tips to Reset Your Child's Day

In an era where children face unprecedented challenges, equipping them with self-care tools is more crucial than ever. This comprehensive guide from Dr. Jean and Friends delves into practical, enjoyable strategies designed to foster kids' physical, emotional, and mental well-being. We can pave the way for healthier, happier futures by embedding these practices into their lives.

Elevate Energy and Mood with Physical Play

Harnessing children's natural energy through physical activity isn't just beneficial; it's essential. Transform everyday outings into adventures and living rooms into dance floors. Encouraging movement through play, sports, or dance boosts mood, enhances health, and injects joy into daily routines, setting a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

Spark Imagination and Preserve Creativity

Creativity provides a window to a child’s soul, offering them a unique means to express feelings and experiences. Encourage your young ones to dive into the arts, from drawing and painting to digital design. To keep these memories alive, transitioning artwork into digital form is key. 

Saving your child's masterpieces as a PDF preserves these moments and simplifies sharing with loved ones. For those unsure where to start, seeking guidance on how to create a PDF file online can reveal a plethora of tools designed for editing, compressing, and managing digital files, ensuring these creations stand the test of time.

Enrich Lives Through Engaging Hobbies

Engaging in hobbies goes beyond mere entertainment; they enhance skills, fuel passions, and foster a feeling of accomplishment. From the melody of a guitar to the excitement of crafting a new dish — or the dedication to tending a garden — hobbies serve as a rewarding avenue for discovery and self-expression. They encourage personal development and unleash creativity. In essence, hobbies are a valuable means of enriching one’s life and expanding horizons.

Foster Digital Well-Being and Real-World Engagement

While technology offers invaluable resources for learning and entertainment, moderation is key. Encourage periods of digital detox, promoting activities that foster imagination and interpersonal connections. Board games, book clubs, and outdoor adventures reduce screen time and strengthen cognitive and social skills.

Strengthen Bonds Through Shared Experiences

Nothing rivals the impact of quality time spent with family. Design outings and at-home activities that encourage teamwork and create lasting memories. These shared experiences reinforce the family unit, providing a nurturing environment that supports emotional and social development.

Cultivate Compassion and Empathy

Teaching children kindness and empathy is crucial for building a compassionate future. By encouraging simple acts of generosity and thoughtfulness, we not only help others but also enhance the well-being of the giver. These actions strengthen the giver's connection to their community, fostering a sense of belonging. Thus, instilling these values in young minds is vital for nurturing a caring society.

Model and Mentor Stress Management

Children look to adults for cues on managing life's stresses. For parents working from home, demonstrating a balanced approach to work and family life, including setting boundaries and adhering to a schedule, offers valuable lessons in stress management and resilience, laying the groundwork for healthy coping mechanisms and emotional well-being.

Design Personal Havens for Reflection and Calm

A tranquil space for a child, dedicated to quiet and relaxation, serves as a sanctuary away from daily hustle, fostering peace and self-reflection. This special nook, filled with comforting elements, invites mindfulness, teaching the importance of inner harmony. It cultivates a sense of calm, encouraging introspection and a balanced well-being.

The Bottom Line

Adopting these self-care practices enrich the lives of our children today and equip them with the resilience, creativity, and empathy needed for their journeys ahead. Integrating physical activity, creativity, hobbies, and digital moderation into their routines — along with fostering family connections, kindness, stress management, and personal sanctuaries — lays a robust foundation for their development. 

Let us commit to guiding our children toward becoming well-rounded individuals, capable of facing the future with confidence and grace. Through our support and example, we can inspire the next generation to embrace life's challenges with open hearts and curious minds.

If you enjoyed this article, you can find much more content on the Dr. Jean and Friends blog!