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Monday, May 6, 2024


"Selective nostalgia" is the ability to remember the good things and forget about the negative things. Most children are more adept at this than grownups - thank goodness! Here are a few ideas to involve your class in recalling special memories as well as welcoming your upcoming class.

The Best Thing About…

Invite children to recall some of their favorite memories from the school year. Give them a sheet of paper to illustrate it. Ask them to write (or dictate) a sentence about it. Put their pictures together in a cover that says, “The Best Thing About (Grade)” and bind. Save the book to read to your new class when school starts.

Welcome Brochure
Demonstrate how to fold a sheet of paper into thirds to make a brochure. Let each child create a brochure called “Welcome to Grade.” They could include things they’ll learn, special events, etc. Save these and give them (or send in the mail) to your upcoming students when school starts.

Hint! Have children do a “rough draft.” Edit and then make a revised copy.

Back to School Bulletin Board
Invite your students to create a bulletin board to welcome the new class. Cover with newspaper to protect over the summer, and you’ll be ahead of the game when school starts. How about one of these themes?

Lights, Camera, Action! (Photos of Special Events)

A Great Batch (Gingerbread Cookies)

(Teacher’s Name) Bunch (Bananas)

Round Up for a Great Year (Horses)

Lookin’ Good! (Giant Mirror)

Kick off for (Grade)! (Football & Goal)

Join (Teacher’s Name) Team! (Pennants and Pompoms)

Welcome Super Stars (Stars)

Swim into a New Year (Fish)

Bloom in (Grade - Flower Garden)

Note! I'm smiling to myself because we used many of these same themes years ago. Some things just don't change!