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Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Do you know the "WH" brothers?  Well, they sure are snoopy!  They are always asking who, what, where, when, and why.  Understanding question words is also part of the Core Standards. 

Question Sticks – Write “who, what, where, when, why, how” on giant craft sticks.  Insert in a sock.  Children take turns pulling out a stick and using the word to ask a question.
*Couldn't you tie this in with a special classroom event (aka Halloween)?  Who will you be?  Where will you go?  What are some safety rules?  Why should you say "thank you"?  

Questions and Statements - You will need two lunch sacks and a variety of small
classroom objects for this activity.  Draw a question mark and write “Question” on one bag.  Draw a period and write “Statement” on the other bag.  Fill each bag with several objects.  Children take turns drawing an item from the bag.  If they chose the question bag, they must make up a question about the item.  If they choose the statement bag, then they make up a statement about their item.
* Relate items in the bag to a unit or theme.  I'm thinking pumpkins, spiders, bats, etc.

Let's take another standard (Use the most frequently occurring prepositions (e.g., to, from, in, out, on, off, for, of, by, with) and relate it to the season.

Where’s Boo? – This can be played with a napkin ghost, pumpkin, or any small toy.  The teacher places the object on, over, under, beside, behind, etc. a box.  Children have to make a sentence describing where the object is located.
For example:  “Boo is under the box.  The pumpkin is beside the box.”
I made BOO by wrapping a napkin around a round lollipop. 

Pantomime Pick – Write prepositions on index cards.  Read over the words as children define or dramatize what the words mean.  Place these in a bag.  Children take turns selecting a card and then dramatizing it as classmates try and identify the word. 

Teacher Says – Children sit in a chair to play this game similar to “Simon Says.”
The teacher calls out various prepositions and the children act them out accordingly.  For example:  “Teacher says get behind your chair.  Teacher says stand in front of your chair.  Get under your chair.  Oops!  Teacher didn’t say!”