Here's where you can download number cards. These store nicely in an envelope.
How Many?
Clap, snap, or stomp a set. Show me how many.
How many toes do you have? Show me.
Mystery Number
I’m thinking of a number between 4 and 6. Show me.
I’m thinking of a number two more than seven. Show me.
Math Facts
4 plus 2. Show me.
9 minus 3. Show me.
Number Stories
I had four pennies. I found three more. Show me how many I have in all.
Decompose Numbers – How many ways can you make seven?
Fact Families - Call out numbers in a fact family. Can children write the equations in that fact family?
Odd and Even – Sort the odd and even numbers.
Place Value - Put 3 in the tens spot and two in the ones spot. What’s the number?
Tap Happy
Children sit on the floor facing their partner. Place one set of the “show me” cards on the floor between them. The teacher calls out math facts or number stories. Who can tap the correct answer first? Keep score if you wish.
Hint! For younger children start with 1-5. For older children make cards 0-20.