Where Is My Bunny?
Where is my bunny? (Put hands behind your back.)
No one can see. (Shake head.)
I think that my bunny
Is hiding from me. (Look over shoulder.)
Here is my bunny. (Hold up 1 thumb.)
He’s found a friend. (Hold up other thumb.)
Look at all the others. (Slowly stick up fingers.)
Now there are ten! (Wiggle fingers.)
Here Is a Bunny
Here is a bunny (Hold up index and middle fingers.)
With ears so funny. (Wiggle fingers.)
And here is his
Hole in the ground. (Make hole with fist of the other hand.)
At the slightest noise he hears,
He pricks up his ears, (Wiggle fingers.)
Then hops to his
Hole in the ground! (Pretend to hop bunny ears into the hole.)
Hand Bunny – Trace around each child’s hand and cut out. Cut off the middle finger. Fold down the pinky and thumb. Glue on a sheet of paper and add a mouth, whiskers, eyes and nose.

Flip, Flop, Hop (Tune: “Wheels on the Bus” - Happy Everything CD)
The ears on the bunny go flip, flop, flop (Hands over head and wiggle.)
Flip, flop, flop,
Flip, flop, flop.
The ears on the bunny go flip, flop, flop,
Flip, flip, flop.
The nose on the bunny goes twitch, twitch, twitch… (Wiggle nose.)
The eyes on the bunny go blink, blink, blink… (Blink eyes.)
The tail on the bunny goes wiggle, wobble, wobble… (Wiggle hips.)
The feet on the bunny go hop, hop, hop… (Hop up and down.)
Bunny Ears - Cut ears out of construction paper and glue them to a headband. You can also trace around children's feet and use them for the ears of the headband.

Drawing Rabbits - Teach children how to draw a bunny from two circles. Add detail to the bunny as you sing the song.
Play Dough Rabbits - Challenge children to make rabbits from play dough.
Bunny Basket – Fold the sack in half lengthwise as shown. Draw ears on the sack similar to those shown. Cut on the lines and then cut off the sides. Open the sack. Staple the top points to make ears. Put a face and cotton tail on your bunny basket.

Milk Jug Bunny – Ask parents to send in clean milk jugs. Cut the top off as shown. Add ears and a bunny’s face. Place a small amount of dirt in the bottom of the milk jug and sprinkle with grass seed. Water and place in a sunny window. If you start this project several weeks before your egg hunt, you will have an adorable bunny with green hair!