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Saturday, September 4, 2021


Kids love to make and wear hats. September 15th is officially MAKE A HAT DAY, but these ideas could be integrated throughout the year to extend skills and reinforce skills.

Sentence Strip Hat
Materials: sentence strips or heavy paper cut in 2 ½” x 24”, markers, crayons, stickers
Directions: Let children decorate the sentence strip and then fit to their head and staple or tape in place.

Children can write letters, numerals, or vocabulary words on the headband. Sure beats doing a worksheet and accomplishes the same thing! 

Children can add ears or other details to create an animal from a story. Let them wear their hats to retell the story. 

How about an “all about me” headband?
Children can make an autograph hat with friends’ names.
If you cut a zig zag line on one side every child can be king or queen for the day! 


Hint! Two brad fasteners and a rubber band will make the hat easier to adjust to the head, but it’s a lot more trouble. 

Paper Plate Hat
Cut the inner section out of the plate. Decorate the outer rim with markers. Decorate with tissue paper or other scraps.  Punch a hole in each side and tie on a 16” piece of string or ribbon. Place the hat on your head and tie under the chin.