1st – They are perfect for differentiated instruction. Blank books are open-ended to challenge children at different skill levels.
2nd – Blank books can be used to reinforce reading and writing standards across the curriculum.
3rd – Writing and drawing activate more areas of the brain than typing a key on a computer.
4th – Many children don’t have books in their home so this is a great way for children to share reading with their families.
5th – Blank books are much more engaging than worksheets and encourage creativity.
6th – Blank books nurture the belief in children that they really are “authors.”
7th - If children write a book they will be more motivated to read the book.
8th – Children have a tangible project that demonstrates learning when they make a book.
9th – When children make books they are developing the executive function of “task initiation” and “task completion.”
10th - Blank books can be used in learning stations or as an activity with a partner or small group.
Helpful hints when making books!
A. Make these books with a small group of children, such as a guided reading group. It’s much easier to help 5 or 6 children learn the steps than the whole class at once.
B. Model making the book from start to finish. The brain remembers as a whole. The second time the children can make the book with you as you slowly go through the steps.
C. Make the same book each day for a week, assigning different tasks with the book. Once children have mastered making several of these blank books you can use them for assignments the rest of the year.
D. Suggest children use as many colors as they are in age in their books. For example, if you are five years old you should use at least five colors. If you’re seven, you should use seven colors.
*Ask older students to use as many words in their sentences as they are in age.
E. Blank books are a perfect activity for parent volunteers to do with the class.
F. Save blank books throughout the year as part of their writing portfolio.
Book Boxes
Let children decorate cereal boxes or food boxes and use these for “personal libraries” to store their books. They can take these home over holidays or at the end of the school year so they’ll always have a book to read!