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Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Relays are a super way to develop cooperation, self-regulation, physical skills, and teamwork.
Running Relays
Materials: none
Divide the children into teams with five or six players on each. Have the players line up single file behind a line and run one at a time to a designated point and back. The first player tags the second player, who then runs the distance. The first team to have all players run is the winner.

Ball Relays– Have the children pass a ball over their heads and under their legs. The last person runs to the front of the line and continues passing over and under. When the first person is in his or her original position, their team wins the game. Relays where children must dribble a ball, kick a ball, or throw a ball into a target can also be played.

Animal Relays – Let the children walk like crabs (on backs with hands and feet), bears (on all fours), birds (flapping arms), monkeys (scratching sides), or elephants (swinging arms like a trunk.)

Quick Change – Prepare bags with a shirt, pants, and hat for each team. The first player puts the clothes on, runs to a designated point, takes the clothes off, then runs and gives the clothes to the second person.

Pig Relays - Move the ball with your nose.

Movements- Have children hop, jump, skip, gallop, walk backwards, or do other movements.

Toesie Relay – Have the children take their shoes off, pick up a peanut with their toes, carry it to a basket, and drop it in.

Potato Relay – Ask the children to carry a potato in a large spoon without dropping it.

Balloon Relay- Have children run with a balloon to a chair, then sit on the balloon and pop it.

One potato, two potato, three potato, four…

Remember playing "Hot Potato" when you were a kid? It's a great game inside or outside because it requires children to use impulse control as they start and stop passing the hot potato. It's also a fun way to reinforce skills and can be adapted to different age levels.

Materials: sponge ball, small toy, seasonal object (such as a little pumpkin)
music or whistle (music for inside and a whistle for outside)

Hint! I made a hot potato from an old pair of panty hose.

Traditional Hot Potato
Children stand or sit in a circle. The potato (or other object) is passed around the circle until the music stops or the teacher blows a whistle. The child holding the potato when the music stops is out of the game and must sit down or move away from the group. If a child drops the potato they are out of the game. If a child throws the potato so it can’t be caught they are also out of the game. Continue passing the potato until one child is left.
*Instead of making children leave the game, ask them to do an exercise, say a rhyme, tell a joke, etc.

Shapes and Letters
The child caught holding the potato has to identify a shape, letter, or other information on a flash card.

Pass the potato and each child says a number as they receive the potato. Every time you get to a multiple of ten, that child is out.
*Start counting from a random number. “We’ll start with 17…”

Say a word. Each child says a letter in the word. When the word is spelled the next child is out. Continue passing the potato and spelling words.

After you’ve read an informative book ask the child holding the potato to tell you one new thing they learned.